Tutorial: Postgres Extractor with Postgres Loader

This is a tutorial on how to run tap-postgres with target-postgres in Meltano.


tap-postgres is not currently officially supported by Meltano, so you have to add it as a custom tap. For more details, check the documentation on adding a custom extractor.

Project Initialization

Let's start by initializing a new Meltano Project and add the supported loader target-postgres:

meltano init tap-postgres
cd tap-postgres
meltano add loader target-postgres

Adding a Custom Extractor

Next step is to add tap-postgres as a custom extractor. We'll use the tap-postgres provided by the Singer.io community and fix its version to 0.0.61, which has been tested and runs without issues with Meltano:

meltano add --custom extractor tap-postgres

  (namespace): tap_postgres
  (pip_url): tap-postgres==0.0.61
  (executable) [tap-postgres]: tap-postgres
  (capabilities): discover,properties,state

We should then update meltano.yml and add the configuration parameters this tap needs in order to run:


  - capabilities:
    - discover
    - properties
    - state
    executable: tap-postgres
    name: tap-postgres
    namespace: tap_postgres
    pip_url: tap-postgres==0.0.61
      - name: dbname
        env: TAP_PG_DATABASE
      - name: host
        env: TAP_PG_ADDRESS
      - name: password
        env: TAP_PG_PASSWORD
      - name: port
        env: TAP_PG_PORT
      - name: user
        env: TAP_PG_USERNAME
      default_replication_method: FULL_TABLE
      include_schemas_in_destination_stream_name: true
 ... ... ...

And finally create a .env file in your project directory (i.e. tap-postgres). We are going to add the proper settings for the source and the target databases. The TAP_PG_* variables are used by the Tap (i.e. they define the source DB where the data are extracted from), while the PG_* variables are used by the Target (i.e. they define the target DB where the data will be loaded at)


export TAP_PG_DATABASE=my_source_db
export TAP_PG_ADDRESS=localhost
export TAP_PG_PORT=5432
export TAP_PG_USERNAME=source_username
export TAP_PG_PASSWORD=source_password

export PG_DATABASE=my_target_db
export PG_PASSWORD=target_password
export PG_USERNAME=target_username
export PG_ADDRESS=localhost
export PG_PORT=5432

Let's make sure that everything has been set correctly:

meltano config tap-postgres

  {'default_replication_method': 'FULL_TABLE', 'include_schemas_in_destination_stream_name': True, 'dbname': 'my_source_db', 'host': 'localhost', 'password': '***', 'port': '5432', 'user': '***'}

meltano config target-postgres

  {'user': '***', 'password': '***', 'host': 'localhost', 'port': '5432', 'dbname': 'my_target_db'}

Filtering out data

This step is required if you don't want to export everything from the source db. You can skip it if you just want to export all tables.

We can use meltano select to select which entities will be exported by the Tap from the Source DB. You can find more info on how meltano select works on the Meltano cli commands Documentation.

In the case of tap-postgres, the names of the Entities (or streams as they are called in the Singer.io Specification) are the same as the table names in the Source DB, prefixed by the DB name and the schema they are defined into: {DB NAME}-{SCHEMA NAME}-{TABLE NAME}.

For example, assume that you want to export the users table and selected attributes from the issues table that reside in the tap_gitlab schema in warehouse DB. The following meltano select commands will only export those two tables and data for the selected attributes:

meltano select tap-postgres "warehouse-tap_gitlab-users" "*"
meltano select tap-postgres "warehouse-tap_gitlab-issues" "id"
meltano select tap-postgres "warehouse-tap_gitlab-issues" "project_id"
meltano select tap-postgres "warehouse-tap_gitlab-issues" "author_id"
meltano select tap-postgres "warehouse-tap_gitlab-issues" "assignee_id"
meltano select tap-postgres "warehouse-tap_gitlab-issues" "title"
meltano select tap-postgres "warehouse-tap_gitlab-issues" "state"

Finally, you can use meltano select <tap_name> --list command to make sure that everything has been set correctly:

meltano select tap-postgres --list

Enabled patterns:

Selected properties:
  [selected ] warehouse-tap_gitlab-issues.title
  [automatic] warehouse-tap_gitlab-issues.id
  [selected ] warehouse-tap_gitlab-issues.assignee_id
  [selected ] warehouse-tap_gitlab-issues.state
  [selected ] warehouse-tap_gitlab-issues.project_id
  [selected ] warehouse-tap_gitlab-issues.author_id
  [automatic] warehouse-tap_gitlab-users.id
  [selected ] warehouse-tap_gitlab-users.username
  [selected ] warehouse-tap_gitlab-users.avatar_url
  [selected ] warehouse-tap_gitlab-users.web_url
  [selected ] warehouse-tap_gitlab-users.name
  [selected ] warehouse-tap_gitlab-users.state

Figuring out the names of the streams

In case you are not sure what the names of the streams are, you can use meltano invoke to run tap-postgres in isolation and generate a catalog file:

meltano invoke tap-postgres --discover > .meltano/run/tap-postgres/tap.properties.json

You can then check that file and decide which Streams (tables in this case) should be exported and use their tap_stream_id property when running meltano select.

Run Meltano ELT

Finally run meltano elt to export all the selected Entities and load them to the schema of the target DB defined by the custom tap's namespace (tap-postgres in this example)

meltano elt tap-postgres target-postgres

Next Steps

If you want to add custom Transforms and explore the extracted data using Meltano UI, you should check the advanced tutorial on Adding Custom Transformations and Models

Last Updated: 11/6/2019, 4:55:18 PM